Acupuncture & Massage Therapy Combination
This is a unique treatment combining Contemporary Medical/Neurofunctional Acupuncture with Massage Therapy to complement the benefits of each other.
Acupuncture is known to have a modulating effect on abnormal nervous system activity that is associated with movement disorders, sports injuries, musculoskeletal pain, chronic pain and others. High stress can also cause this dysregulation.
The modulating effects include decreased pain, inflammation, and improved relaxation / parasympathetic (or vagus) tone which aids in so many conditions! For chronic pain and injury it can move the rehabilitation to the next level. A common side benefit clients love is that sleep is often enhanced post treatment.
On the musculo-skeletal side, it has significant impact in restoring function and alleviating pain. Needling during treatment helps relieve muscle hypertonicity and trigger points. It also decreases sensitivity so that deep manual treatment is tolerable and more effective. With most injuries, movement impairment syndromes or biomechanical imbalances, there is motor inhibition of specific muscles.
Acupuncture needling activates these muscles that have not been “firing” properly and helps to regain function. Another use includes muscle activation to improve performance in sport and normal day to day activities. Home care exercises may be prescribed to reinforce the effects of the acupuncture.